Let’s Build Together

Non - Profit Organizations

At McCarty.TechTV we believe in the power of helping people to help other people, and we use media production to do so. Let us assist your organization in uplifting those around you! Go check out our Consultation Services to learn how a conversation with us can go a long way for your organization.

Let’s Talk About:

  • Adding Audio/Video capabilities to your location

  • Enhancing your Virtual Meeting experiences

  • Live Streaming an event from Remote Venues

    Whatever your need is, Let’s Go Live!

Houses of Worship

Are you a House of Worship, a Church, a Temple, or a Minister on a Mission? Our vision here at McCarty.TechTV starts with empowering all people to get their passions and visions out to the world.

We want to help you:

  • Build a new media ministry

  • Upgrade an existing ministry

  • Provide professional training to your volunteer staff

  • Live Stream from Remote Venues

    Whatever your need is, Let’s Go Live!

Real Estate Industry

Home buying and selling will always be among us, but the markets will sway. With buyer sentiment being low and interest rates being high, we have to get even more creative to Move These Units!

At McCarty.TechTV we do not believe in impossibilities. The days of needing a commercial spot on cable news networks are over. With your network, your internet channel, we can get creative and change the game.

How you might ask?

The Open House Market! Let’s Go Live! Your next open house can be dynamic, engaging, and interactive. As a seller, you no longer need to wait for clients to come to you, bring the Open House to the client!

Residential or Commercial… Let’s Throw a party, make a television show! And Move These Units!