Live Streaming

Live Streaming, Webcasting, Podcasting, its all taken the world by storm! We are not your everyday television studio with a 1 size, 1 set fits all model; we bring the equipment and service to you. Our niche, our specialty is being on location with you, whenever, where ever you are. We customize our approach to your needs, your location, your budget, and your audience.

Concerts | Outreach Events | Non-Profit Service Events | Weddings | Birthday Parties | Large Social Gatherings

  • On-location Streaming: Technical site surveys and event management.

  • Budget Friendly Packages: Single or multi-cam offerings, “bolt on” service to existing DJ or House sound equipment

  • Scalable Solutions: Vendor Support for large events. Partnerships with other service providers such as still photography, video editors, DJs, etc.

Technical Consultations

At McCarty.TechTV, we believe knowledge is power, and the Consultation Service is our first step at delivering on that core value. Our expertise for consultations cover a wide variety of things, including:

  • Video: Cameras, Video Switching, Video Routing, Graphics, Lighting

  • Audio: Audio Consoles, Audio Routing, Instrument and Vocal Mics, Intercom, Speaker Setup

  • Networking/Computing: Network Routing and Hardware, IP configuration, Computer Specifications

  • General Production Workflows: Communications, Graphic Templates, Budget Assessment, Crew and Personnel training and allocation

We believe strongly in adding Value to our clients and partners. This is why every Consultation Service will result in 1 or more of these tangible assets:

  • A detailed Assessment, Proposal, and Bill of Materials of at least 2 options tailored to your needs

  • Detailed schematic Drawings outlining your system and proposed options

  • Credit toward any hourly services rendering thereafter

Audio/Video Integration

Media Production and Audio/Video equipment can be very specialized and overwhelming. Whether you are in a place of worship, a concert hall, or a home studio, we want to help build the best possible streaming, recording, or editing solutions for you. We engineer the solutions from inception, to drawing, to complete installation, through to configuration. With an eye for detail and a passion for creative solutions, we have the integrated design that will be perfect for you.

Churches | Home and Business Studios | Funeral Homes | Custom Fly-Pack Builds

  • Cable Management and Installation

  • Technical Drawings, Rack Elevations and Wire Lists

  • Equipment Maintenance and Configuration

  • Custom Profile and Preset Builds: Audio Boards, Video Switchers, Software Profiles

  • Network Assessments and IP routing